US developing genocidal bio-weapons: Prominent author |
Aug 10, 2012 |
US developing genocidal bio-weapons: Prominent author
A prominent political analyst says the United States has proposed a bio-weapon that would destroy the part of the human brain associated with spirituality.
“An... read more
'As Worlds Collide: The Seen and Unseen' |
Aug 9, 2012 |
Steve will be guesting on the Hagmann - Hagmann Report radio show on Saturday night from 7-10 PM--MTN. read more
Final Preparations - Email from cold war warrior |
Aug 9, 2012 |
I talked to a man from Visa-Mastercard Today not representatives but directly employed with them. He wouldn't tell me at first but said something big big would happen in September. They [the government] is getting ready to replace the dollar with new... read more
Strong words but True before the Father / Words from reader |
Aug 9, 2012 |
The once great whore babylon has sunk further into the wine of its lies, debauchery and pride, and its coming demise comes upon it, as both longtime friends and its enemies see it only with scorn, just as the Holy Bible has said, and it does not lie.... read more
Smoking Gun: The HAARP and Chemtrails Connection |
Aug 9, 2012 |
Smoking Gun: The HAARP and Chemtrails Connection
No matter how deeply disturbing the thought of using the environment to manipulate behavior for national advantage is to some, the technology permitting such use will very probably develop within the... read more
Federal Court Upholds the Herding of Demonstrators Into "Free Speech Zones" |
Aug 8, 2012 |
Federal Court Upholds the Herding of Demonstrators Into “Free Speech Zones”
Mac Slavo
August 8th, 2012
There was once a group of men who established a fundamental law of the land that allowed the people of their new found countr... read more
US Midwest Hit By Perfect Gasoline Storm |
Aug 8, 2012 |
Guest Post: US Midwest Hit By Perfect Gasoline Storm
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 08/07/2012 20:42 -0400
Consumer Prices Detroit Guest Post Michigan Newspaper
Submitted by Daniel Graeber of,
Retail gasoline prices in the... read more
Aug 7, 2012 |
On Saturday community bank in Wellsville,NY . No transaction could be done.
We went to the bank on Monday and Drew out all the money from our checking account. The banker said there was black out...
Hoss... read more
Warning from a reader. |
Aug 7, 2012 |
Five years ago I bought a sailboat and began to prepare. I have sold everything and quit my job and have sailed into the Florida Keys upon direction from the Lord; Fasting, praying, and solitude. Today the Lord has given me a word and dire... read more
Govt May Now Collect, Catalog, and Store All Private Information |
Aug 7, 2012 |
Govt May Now Collect, Catalog, and Store All Private Information
Written by Joe Wolverton, II
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Imagine that the U.S. government had the power to scour the reams of public records and collect and collate every bit of pe... read more